Accessibility Strides: In aligning with our organization’s commitment to accessibility, SSDT addresses accessibility concerns in this release.This is in coherence with the rebranding of Azure Active Directory to Microsoft Entra. Authentication Evolution of AAD to Microsoft Entra in SSOX: Navigating to the authentication realm, SSDT 17.8 marks a notable transition by renaming Microsoft Cloud Authentication provider from AAD to Microsoft Entra while connecting to any database using the Connect dialog box.Read more about this change in the documentation and its potential impact in our documentation. Most importantly, this update changes the default connection setting of encryption to on (true), improving the standard security posture of your environments. This update brings some changes to the way we connect to a database in SSDT. The update has enabled support for TDS 8.0 which provides enhanced security and brings SSDT in sync with the latest SqlClient release. MDS 3 to MDS 5 update: One of the headline features involves a significant shift to (MDS) 5.1.2.