NerfHaven: One of the oldest forums in the hobby, currently serving as a 20+ year archive of old information.
Nerfy Discord Servers: There's tons of Nerf servers on Discord that are worthwhile. High pressure air powered blasters: /r/HPAnerf/īritNerf: A traditional forum catering to British foam flingers.Small and less active related subreddits: Nerf community history: /r/HistoryOfNerfModding.Examples of how to not post: /r/BadNerfPosts/.Chatter/memes/off topic: /r/nerfchatter.Buy/Sell/Trade/what's it worth: /r/nerfexchange.Hobby Blaster Catalogue by /u/TheJettisoned - 'A Convenient List for New Nerfers With Too Much Money for Their Own Good' If you have general 3d printing questions such as 'What 3d Printer should I buy?' please check out /r/3dprinting. Lipo battery guide, charging, safety tips Zombies.Īutomod's 'Blaster-Gun' and 'Black/Prop' Post Explanation Link
Welcome, Warriors! This is a place for Nerf, BoomCo, Off-brands, Water Blasters, Modifications, Homemades, Assassins, Office wars, and Humans vs. Offending posts will be removed and posters temp/perma-banned. Please do not post Amazon 'affiliate' links. r/nerf is not affiliated with Hasbro, or anyone else. (Please look in these places or do a Google search before asking questions. Then, if you still have questions, refer to the subreddit NERF FAQ's + WIKI PAGE.